120 by 100 by 70 cm.
Paper, pigments, plastic, stuffed animals, wood.

Every day, people around the world make the difficult decision  
to leave their countries in search of safety and better lives.
Currently, there are 68.5 million men, women and  
children escaping war, persecution and political  
turbulence. These are refugees and asylum seekers.
There are others like migrants, who are looking for  
jobs or an education, and +, who want to live  
permanently in another country.
Are they waiting for Godot ?

(The play “Waiting for Godot” (by Samuel Beckett) describes  
a situation where two men are waiting for something to  
happen, waiting for someone to arrive and help them to  
escape from a miserable condition, but it probably never will.  
This play basically tells us about the sufferings of humans.)

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